Thursday, 26 April 2012

Week One: Work at home Mum

So I am coming to the end of my first week being a stay at home Mum. I have cast off the shackles of a monotonous, though well paid job, to concentrate on what matters.

What do they say? If you do what you love, you will never work another day in your life.
But that's the thing, discounting the jobs I do as Mum & wife, I do work. I still work. I'm just doing one I enjoy and that I can do from home.

So why am I feeling empty?

Why is this new way of life not seems as rosy as I expected? Did I have unrealistic expectations/ Don't get me wrong, I'm not going back to the old day job.

But I wonder, what is expected of the work at home Mum?

Is this me? Is this who I am meant to be? Things were simple when I was Mum before/after work, employee and then business woman after the kids go to bed.

Maybe that's it, maybe I am lacking a defined role? Here was I thinking that my husband had no idea of what I did. Maybe it's that I have no idea of what I do or what my role is!

I want to be there for my children, grow my business, provide great service, get my name out there, develop new ideas, have time for my husband time for my friends and time for myself. You know what I just noticed, the order of that list. I wonder what would happen if I changed the order in my head???? Maybe my family comes first and my business second. Maybe my business comes first? (My work generally did) Or is that the issue, I am not used to putting my family first and now that I am it is odd? I always thought I could juggle?

But maybe I shouldn't juggle? Maybe I just need to learn a new world order? lol

So what if I start with what I know. I know this has been a difficult but worthwhile decision. I know that very few things are finite. I know my kids are already benefiting. I know my husband doesn't understand all that I am doing. I know that life wasn't meant to be easy. I know I have a lot to be grateful for. I know I love my job (no matter which hat it is business, wife, Mum).

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

In the spotlight! marjorie - handmade for children.

Buy SA Handmade is a great resource to access wonderful handmade items. I would like to introduce one of the businesses to you ...

How did you come up with your business name?
marjorie is my dear Nanna's name. I spent a lot of time with her when I was young. She was a vibrant, colourful person who loved life. I am inspired by her 1950's style, I love art deco furniture and homewares and vintage fabrics and patterns because they remind me of her. You will see this styling present throughout my work.

How did you come to making infants items?
I have had two preschoolers and a baby in the last four years. Previously I was a teacher, and I did a lot of mosaics and photography. Since having my children I have visited lots of local markets looking for good quality home made and original gifts and clothing and have felt inspired by the immense creativity in South Australia. I have enjoyed making things for my own children and I love the connection with other mums who love what I do and share it with their own families.

What do you enjoy most about being crafty?
 I am a creative person who enjoys making, thinking, designing...there are always ideas in my head. Making things is a great release of energy for me, it keeps me positive and happy and I think that makes me a better mum too! My children love being surrounded by the fabrics and the things I make which is a nice environment to grow up in, I think.

What inspires you?
I have a strong desire to be the type of person who dances to their own drum. I don't try to follow trends and I like to look outside the square. The amazing creativity of others inspires me and also the amazing way business mums balance their lives and are successful in their own right. I am very motivated by a need to live a life that is sustainable. I buy fabrics and clothing from local charity stores as the concept of reusing existing resources and supporting other organisations is an important part of my philosophy. Lastly, the designs, colours and styles now popularly described as 'vintage' have always been the great love of my life and will remain so into the future.

Tell us three things you would like your customers to know about you or your business?
marjorie is an evolving creative project, it is an original and unique expression of a love of fabric and design.
marjorie is created in a little house in South Plympton by one mum (me!) surrounded by three lovely, vibrant children
marjorie is all about vintage!

Why do you like to Buy SA Handmade?
Supporting local businesses is really important, buying from our neighbours and friends supports our community and has a lot of positive flow on effects for everyone.
There is thankfully a growing understanding of the need to know where you bought a product, who you brought it from, what it's made from and the conditions in which it was made. Buying locally from the producer helps you gain that understanding and that definitely has a feel good factor!
SA is full of wonderfully creative people. Why wouldn't you buy amazing things made by truly talented people?!

You can buy these and other wonderful items from marjorie - handmade for children at and .

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

So what are the advantages?

Well I could do a top ten or my favourites, run a poll or even quick Q&A. However, I think the biggest advantage is financial.

There are two sides to this.

What's in it for me?

Always a big factor. As a shopper there are a few financial advantages to buying local handmade items.

I find that I actually spend less money! Shock horror! Just think what you can buy for $20 at your local chain department store for a child. Pictured? So for the last present my son bought his little friend a handmade fabric flower, a wooden toy camera and eight handmade crayons. I had a handmade card that I had bought for $3 and that was the present.

OK, so it might not sound like the latest whizz bang commercial toy, but just think of a five year old girl, or any child, with three different presents in one bag. Think of the smiles and the playing. I have bought handmade dolls and teddies that have been given pride of pillow place. Now how does that make you feel? A bit warm and fuzzy? That's the benefit.

But the warm and fuzzy doesn't stop there.

What's in it for them?

My two children have always shown deep concern and sympathy for others, so I always like to stick the shoe on the other foot.

For the person you have bought off of you have:
  • reaffirmed why they love doing what they do (warm fuzzy)
  • helped with their marketing (word of mouth sales)
  • helped to pay for the cost of selling and making the item
  • potentially helped to pay for something their family needs (some fund raise for medical bills)
I am certain their are other reasons why it helps. For me another benefit is when individuals ask for custom items. What generally happens is that these then take on a life of their own and generate more of the "What's in it for them?".

So please consider keeping your hard earned money in the local community or with the producer directly. They will receive all of the financial profits and you both might get a "warm fuzzy" in return.